
St Mary’s Longfleet, Poole PCC Safeguarding Policy Statement

Every person has a value and dignity which comes directly from the creation of male and female; in God’s own image and likeness. Christians see this potential having been fulfilled by God’s re-creation of us in Christ. Among other things, this implies a duty to value all people as bearing the image of God and therefore to protect them from harm.

Therefore, at SML we are committed to:-

The care, nurture of, and respectful pastoral ministry with, all children and vulnerable adults

The safeguarding and protection of all children and all adults when they are vulnerable

The establishment of safe, caring communities which provide a loving environment in which there is a culture of ‘informed vigilance’ regarding the dangers of abuse

To this end we will:-

Fully adopt the House of Bishops’ Promoting a Safer Church; Safeguarding Policy Statement, and work in partnership with the Diocese of Salisbury to ensure that we work in accordance with best practice at all times.

Carefully select, support and train all those with any responsibility within SML, in line with the principles of Safer Recruitment, including the use of the Disclosure and Barring Service.

Respond without delay to all complaints made where there is a suggestion that an adult or child may have been harmed. In addition, we will co-operate with the police and local authority in any investigation if required to.

Seek to offer informed pastoral care and support to anyone who has suffered abuse; develop with them an appropriate ministry that recognises the importance of understanding the needs of those who have been abused. This would include their feelings of alienation and/or isolation.

Seek to protect survivors of abuse from the possibility of further harm and abuse.

Seek to offer pastoral care and support, including supervision and referral to the proper authorities, to any member of our church community known to have offended against a child or vulnerable adult. We will oversee and put into place rigorous boundaries for offenders known to us and who wish to be part of SML.

Seek to challenge any abuse of power, especially by those who are in a position where they have a level of responsibility which assumes that they will be respected and trusted by others.

In all these principles we will follow legislation, guidance and recognised good practice. This Statement was approved and adopted by the PCC on 15 July 2019.

One of our Parish Safeguarding Officers is the first person you should speak to if you have any concerns regarding the welfare of a child or vulnerable adult – Nick and Clare Taylor (children) and Jackie Morgan (adults) – 01202 338733. If you would prefer to speak to someone outside of the church you should speak to the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisors, Jem Carter on 07469857888 or Suzy Futcher on 07500664800.

Safeguarding Team

We have Parish Safeguarding Representatives for both Adults and Children. Their contact details can be found below.

Adult Parish Representative
Jackie Morgan

Telephone: 01202 338 733

Children Parish Representative
Nick and Claire Taylor

Telephone: 01202 338 733

SML Pastoral Safeguarding Support
Angie Jukes

Telephone: 01202 338733

Safeguarding Contacts

Diocesan Safeguarding Advisors
Jem Carter

Telephone: 07469857888

Suzy Futcher

Telephone: 07500664800