
We are an outward looking church who love to engage with and come alongside our local community. If you would like to get involved in any of the below opportunities then contact

Soup Run

In the evening on the 3rd, 4th and 5th Sunday of every month a team of volunteers prepare and serve sandwiches for rough sleepers in Poole Town Centre.

Poole Food Bank

In the evening on the 3rd, 4th and 5th Sunday of every month a team of volunteers prepare and serve sandwiches for rough sleepers in Poole Town Centre.

The Cafe@SML

A weekly cafe, running every Thursday from 10am-12pm in the Church. All welcome.

SMILE Connect

A community group and support network for lone parent families. A dedicated team of volunteers have made SMILE Connect a place of acceptance, love and fun!


MARS – Modelling Active Relationship Skills

A charity that provides a series of workshops in schools t equip young people with vital relationship skills, enabling them to build and sustain positive relationships in all areas of life.

Find out more


Churches Together in Poole brings churches together to encourage working together to share resources and ideas, facilitate communication and organise inter-church events. We work together on issues such as supporting refugees and asylum seekers, caring for isolated people and providing resources for rough sleepers.

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