Global Mission
Long-Term Mission
At SML we support three long-term mission partners:

J-Life Africa
J-Life is a “Mobilising Disciple-making Youth Movement” throughout the Church of Jesus Christ in Africa.
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Myra's Wells
Myra’s Wells is a charity set up by Eddie Martin following the death of his wife, Myra, in a car accident in 2005. The charity drills wells in Burkina Faso, West Africa which is one of the poorest and also now sadly one of the most dangerous countries in the world.
Varna Baptist Church
We support through prayer and finance, the work of George and Ann Todorov at Varna Baptist Church in Bulgaria. The latest update is available through their newsletter.
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In addition to our long-term mission partners, we encourage short-term mission here at SML and in the past few years have supported trips to Zambia, YWAM, Nepal, Bolivia, Sri Lanka, Mozambique, South Africa and Uganda.
If you would like to explore mission, please get in touch, we can help with prayer, support, advice and often finances.
Global Partners and Mission Newsletter
If you want to take a look at what our global partners do, then check out our Global Partners and Mission Newsletter.
Outreach Prayers | Every Thursday at 12.15pm
All our REACH ministries are underpinned by prayer. Everyone is welcome to join us as we meet every week to pray for our mission and outreach. Contact Rachel Dismorr for the details and to join.