Gift Day Giving
We pray that you will be open to the LORD’s promptings. It’s exciting to see the possibilities that giving to God’s work at SML can have in growing His Kingdom and for growing each of us as generous givers. It begins for each of us, as Paul described, with generous hearts, ‘Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give …… for God loves a cheerful giver’ – 2 Corinthians 9:7.
Gift Day Giving
Online Giving
You can give online to support the work of SML, if this is something you are able to do then simply follow the link using the button below. You can use this for a one-off payment or to set up a regular weekly/monthly payment:
Resourcing The Vision
We aim to be a Church community that is ‘Being shaped by Jesus to grow disciples, build community and reach out to transform Poole, the South Coast and beyond.’
All vision and mission needs to be ‘resourced’. This includes our prayer, time, energy, use of our talents and our financial giving.
We encourage everyone who calls SML their home Church, to give financially to the work here as they are able. For each of us, giving is an issue of the heart: giving is an investment and a spiritual discipline.
How can I give?
The most tax-efficient way to give is to set up a regular standing order with your bank. This also enables SML to financially plan most effectively. You can:
Click the ‘Donate’ button above and this gives you the option of a regular weekly/monthly payment or a one-off gift.
Set up a standing order or make a one-off gift direct with your bank using the following details:
Name: Longfleet St Mary’s PCC
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account Number: 00014819
If you are a UK taxpayer, please fill in a Gift Aid form which enables us to claim back an additional 25p per pound given.
If you set up a regular standing order, please to email and let us know your name and the amount so that we can thank you as well as keep you up to date with the regular work of SML. This Regular Giving Form may be helpful to you to print off if you are setting up a regular standing order with your bank.
Other ways to give to SML are:
- Using the contactless payment terminal in the church foyer
- By cash or cheques (made payable to Longfleet St Mary’s PCC) in the collection at each service at SML. Please place gifts in a named envelope and complete a Gift Aid declaration if you wish us to claim Gift Aid
- Through an envelope scheme – envelopes for one off or weekly payments are available at the church office
- Through your employer’s payroll giving scheme. Your HR department will be able to tell you if your company participates in this scheme
You may also wish to consider making a donation in your will. Legacies have been important in providing our generation with the facilities we enjoy today. Our legacies will help to meet the needs of those who follow in our footsteps. Leaving a legacy to St Mary’s Longfleet is easy to do, can reduce the tax paid by your estate and will make a significant contribution to the work of our Church. Please ask the Church Office or your solicitor for more information.
“But just as you excel in everything…see that you also excel in the grace of giving”
2 Corinthians 8:7
Thank you for sharing in the adventure of pursuing this vision!
SML 2023 Accounts