Eco Church

SML Poole has a strong commitment towards caring for the environment. We want to express our care for God’s world through our worship and teaching, how we look after our buildings and land, how we engage with our local community and in global campaigns, and in the personal lifestyles of our church family.
To help us do so, last year we put together the following climate declaration:
Declaration of a Climate Emergency
Climate change is here; it is being fuelled by man, it’s hurting God’s creation and without action, the negative impacts will result in irreparable damage to people and ecosystems for generations to come.
These impacts are inextricably linked to global injustices and inequality, and require urgent attention. As a church we believe that the implications are such that it is necessary to declare an emergency. This means that we will do all we reasonably can to promote positive climate action to minimise our negative impacts.
We are Christians and we are called to act justly and show love to our neighbours locally and around the world, who are already suffering the effects of climate change. We will act with hope and refuse the temptation to despair. We reaffirm our trust in the love and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our Targets:
By end of July 2022 we commit to achieving these targets.
- To complete a baseline survey of our carbon footprint
- To develop an action plan to minimise our negative corporate impact on the environment and climate and to help restoration where possible.
- To encourage our members to make relevant lifestyle changes appropriate to their circumstances.
- To encourage action on this emergency in our neighbourhoods, workplaces and other spheres of activity.
- To unite with others to press national and local government institutions, large businesses, corporations and other powerful bodies to take faster action against the effects of climate change.
- The awarding of a Silver Award from ECO Church (A Rocha).
What are we currently doing?
At SML we hold a recycling collection on the 3rd Sunday of each month, gathering items which can’t be recycled elsewhere. Some of the items we collect include: medicine blister packs; bottle tops; biscuits and cake wrappers; printer cartridges; old pens and highlighters; toothbrushes and toothpaste tubes; and Pringles tubes.

Longfleet Primary School
Children from Longfleet Primary School’s Eco-Group also got involved. They came to the church yard to help construct a bug hotel to provide a home for insects and encourage more wildlife. The churchyard also has bird boxes, bat boxes, bird feeders and a hedgehog home.
Longfleet Primary School
Platinum Jubilee Celebration
As part of the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations in June 2022, we planted a tree as part of the Queen’s Canopy and encouraged others to do so too.